Thursday, February 2, 2012



Regal, graceful, colors from the earth and sky, we named her Gaia. Gaia is the name of the earth as a living breathing sentient organism. Gaia's colors reminded me of black volcanic basalt, her reddish brown the color of deep clay and Navajo Sandstone, her white like the clouds.

She is getting along beautifully and adjusted quickly to her new home. I believe she feels she has found heaven on earth especially at meal time.

Paul and I have gotten her used to the putting on and taking off the halter and then Paul got her used to being walked on the lead rope.

First we swung the fencing in the corral into a small circle and spent time getting her used to our presence and being fenced in. We attached 6 panels Paul welded to use as a catch pen.  She has never been groomed or touched this way before. The following pictures show the way GAIA was introduced to us and the halter and human touch.

Paul sits by GAIA without asking anything of her.

Paul enters the catch pen and GAIA eventually gets used to him.

Turns out GAIA  loves to be scratched and Paul takes advantage
 of these moments to pull out the large burrs in her fiber.
GAIA has left her pen and followed Paul on lead into the corral.
GAIA has left the corral and goes on a walk with Paul.
She loves being out.

GAIA is coming along very nicely and seems to love her new home.


  1. I just want to hug her neck. She is beautiful. :-)

    1. Thank you, Birdie. She is so soft and feels like a teddy bear.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you, Kristina. Lady llamas are so much different than the males. Elegant and feminine.
