Thursday, September 30, 2021

An Early Visit From Jack Frost

Jack Frost came early in September. 

I had already gotten into bed that night and remembered word of a hard freeze. " My garden !" I sprang out of bed, grabbed my lantern off the night stand and some blankets from the hall closet, slipped on my sloggers and out I went to tent my beautiful plants. 

 I laid down the blankets near the dried corn stalks. With the help of my  lantern, I found long sticks and poles to make tents over the plants.  The white poles were easy to find as they reflected in the moonlight near the barn. I made the tents so the blankets would not touch the plants as that can cause them to freeze. 

 It was already 34 degrees and the temperature was dropping fast. I was so concerned about my plants I did not feel the cold.  I quickly cut my zinnias and sunflowers to make arrangements for the kitchen table. I put them in a bucket along with some tomatoes and bell peppers. I took in the hanging baskets of coleus and impatiens and put the basket of sweet potato vines in the dog house. Before I left the garden I took a good long look at my tented flowers and plants then went inside.  I went to bed knowing I did the best I could. I said a prayer, and snuggled under the warm comforter and drifted off to sleep. 

The next morning I lifted the blankets.

The next morning. Tented plants after Jack Frost visited.

The next morning I went out to see my garden.  I took the wet frosty blankets off and saw everything had survived. 

In the days to come Jack Frosts revisited and finally my garden let go. Some are sleeping underground in the roots and some have transformed into spirits of memories. Such a lovely garden this year I am glad I took photos and videos of it. 

Thank you for visiting Little Utah Farm

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Deborah Moen
of Little Utah Farm


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