Friday, June 10, 2011

Animal Reiki : Peace In The Coop

Reiki is a Japanese spiritual practice that brings balance. Reiki is being used in hospitals and medical centers as well as animal shelters and rescue facilities to help people and animals cope with the stresses of life or their treatments. Stress is the main cause of dis-ease whether it be human, animal, or plant. The relaxation response is key in bringing us back into balance. I have more information on Reiki on my  site Deborah's Little Gems. You may click on this link if you would like to learn about Reiki.

Animal Reiki:Now there is peace and co-operation in the coop

I had noticed some of my young hens losing feathers to the point of exposing the skin and even some redness and bleeding. Aside from the conventional remedies and adjustments in their freedom from boredom, I made time to assist the peaceful co-existence within the coop with the practice of Reiki . Reiki is an applied meditation and usually done with light touch or touch hovering over the personal or animal. Reiki can also be done remotely. I brought my green chair inside the coop and sat in in a place where I could see all the hens. I began my practice of calming myself by noticing my breathing. I begin to relax completely and ceremoniously offer Reiki to the hens by simply allowing my calmness to extend outward. Those who practice Reiki may feel warmth or sensations in the hands. there is no need to touch them. I sat with my hands in my lap. It was early evening and the sunset signaled the hens to roost. One by one they entered their sleeping quarters and jumped to the roosting bars. As the   time went on I noticed the aggressive hens falling asleep or closing their eyelids and bowing their heads while the younger hens took their place on the roosting bar  below. We had suspected the attacks happened during this time as there is usually a great fuss and squawks as the girls got their appointed places. Tonight it was different. There was peace.

This morning as I was was feeding the hens, I noticed a significant change in the atmosphere within the coop. There was co-operation even some politeness occurring while the hens wandered around the "scratch and mash market' shopping for food. they pecked and scratched their food, not each other, taking in their nourishment. Instead of the worry and wonder of the well-being of my hens, there was ease and calm.

We have many ways to help our fur and feather family through vet care, medicines and supplies. Reiki can be very a useful and effective practice for ourselves, our family and our animals. To Learn More about Reiki please go to my site Deborah's Little Gems and enjoy the pages and posts on Reiki.