Sunday, October 23, 2011

Corn On The Cob

Fresh Picked Peaches and Cream Corn

There is nothing like the taste of those sweet kernels of fresh picked corn. Come to think of it the whole preparation, the dreaming, the plotting, the plowing, making the rows, planting the seeds, and caring for the young sprouts is a beautiful full circle experience. . Watering, feeding and watching them grow and blossom into a remarkable likeness of the picutre on the front of the seed package or catalogue is very satisfying indeed.

Windy harvest and a big load of corn !!!

It was time to pick the corn. I stepped outdoors and the stalks were bending north from the oncoming storm winds. I rolled in the wheelbarrel, gathered up the clippers, the camera and my gloves and made my way to the corn field of rattling stalks, and the flashy colors greens and golds. There was a promise of an adventurous harvest. I had to look twice at my yeild. The whole wheel barrel was full above the brim with corn.

I husked the corn outdoors that night.

We got word of a cold snap coming any day so I went outside my kitchen door that night and began shucking the corn. Some of them well, most of them had a worm at the top near the silks. They didn't eat much and I cut off the eaten part at the very top. I would knock the worms into a mason jar to serve to my hens. They love them!  I had a feelin' I would never get all these done but with each one I got faster and better. I wondered how we were going to eat all this corn?

I got the water to boil on the stove. Parboiled for 9 minutes

Then I plunged them into cold water to cool.

I laid them out on a towel to dry.

Then I put them in feezer bags and slipped in a straw and sucked out the air.

The next day, I delivered 2 dozen to my neighbor behind us and 6 to our neighbors next door. My husband took some with him to a co-worker and the father of my grandson's friend took 2 dozen home to his family! We all had delicious corn to enjoy ! Seems like everything just works out.

How was your harvest this year?


  1. No harvest this year. We are still digging out our very overgrown yard and what a mess it is. Next year! And chickens too! Eeeeee! (So excited.)

  2. Birdie, ooooh I am excited for you too. I remember the tumble weeds and brush we cleared but it is a labor of love. All in good time and you will be knee high in chickens and a beautiful garden!
