Saturday, August 25, 2012


A personal story
by Deborah `Moon` Moen

Deborah Moon Moen August 8, 2012

Providing food for my livestock is rewarding.

While I cut the hay, I become like a true pioneer woman.


Hacking and cutting, soaking up the sun, wiping my brow, and finding coolness in the shade and a frosty glass of iced tea, is a labor of love for me.

  • We plant it
  • Water it
  • Let it grow till about 1 ½ feet tall
  • Cut it
  • Let it dry in the sun
  • Rake it in long rows
  • Pitch it in the wagon
  • Cover it

Startin' it up is a hoot.

I use a heavy duty weed whacker.

  1. I pump it
  2. prime it
  3. pull on the cord
  4. the motor whirls and grinds
  5. I heft it off the ground
  6. swing it gracefully from side to side, low to the ground.

Better move!” I say to the mice and moles, “Here I come!”

The hay falls down.

In time I am through. I ask the sun to bake the hay. By noon I am back with a long metal rake with a wide toothy comb. I pull the hay into long rows to help it weave together as it dries.

Raking rows LUF 2012

Afternoon I pitch the hay

 I hold the big black tongue of the wagon and pull her into the rows. As I pitched the wagon is filled with heaping mounds of sweet smelling hay. Husband loved my nice straight rows and I could tell he wanted to load the hay too. I decided to share the hay. I got a big grin from him and he went right to work. A labor of love.

Paul pitches hay as the storm clouds approach Little Utah Farm.

And then to dwell in sovereign barns,
And dream the days away,---
The grass so little has to do,
I wish I were the hay!
~ Emily Dickinson 1890 " The Grass"

My favorite part of home grown hay

Here is a very short video (30 seconds) I made of our llamas eating the home grown hay.
Thank you for coming by to visit Little Utah Farm. The rains came shortly after the last stalks of hay were tarped and tucked away that day. But that is a story for next time...
Until then believe in your dreams,
Deborah `Moon`

Pissarro. Rest. 1882.
Emily Dickinson(1830-1886).
“The Grass”
from Poems (1890)
The grass so little has to do,---
A sphere of simple green,
With only butterflies to brood,
And bees to entertain,
And stir all day to pretty tunes
The breezes fetch along,
And hold the sunshine in its lap
And bow to everything;
And thread the dews all night, like pearls,
And make itself so fine,---
A duchess were too common
For such a noticing.

And even when it dies, to pass
In odors so divine,
As lowly spices gone to sleep,
Or amulets of pine.
And then to dwell in sovereign barns,
And dream the days away,---
The grass so little has to do,
I wish I were the hay!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Garden- Summer of 2012

Little Utah Farm Garden 2012
We had a very mild winter and felt it was safe to begin early in March to till the soil. We laid out all the compost from the bin onto the garden patch. Paul used his Kabota tractor and then attached a rototiller that he had rented. The tiller made the hard soil and clay like cake flour. It was wonderful!

New Garden rows  April 2012
It was so easy to make the rows. I made it in three sections. In one whole section I planted 92 seeds of Peaches and Cream Corn.

July 17-2012
A garden can teach many things and this year I learned that even though the winter is mild there can still be hard freezes in the spring. We had about 4 of them. It was the second week of May when the corn began to sprout and only 40 seeds out of 92 sprouted. I planted more corn. But all in good time, around July, things began to grow in our garden.

In July the moist air came up from the south and Utah got more rain than we ever experienced in our 4 summers here. With the rain came early and late evening lightening and thunder storms. Everyday the white fluffy thunderhead clouds would rise up over the mountains in all directions and meet somewhere in the middle late afternoon. We are still experiencing these storms well into August..

August 8, 2012

My scoop for Llama Bean Manure Tea.

These elements really nourished our soil and fed the plants. There is such a difference in watering my garden with a hose or the sprinklers with city water and having rain to water your garden naturally. The rain seems to energized the plants and along with my llama bean manure tea, my garden grew by leaps and bound what seemed to be overnight. For llama bean manure tea just put one shovel full of llama beans into a 5 gallon bucket and fill to 3/4 full with water. Let steep for 24 hours up to 2 days and scoop out with a gallon milk just cut like in the picture above.

Pumpkins growing fast August 8 planted in July.

The pumpkins planted in July burst forth towards the garden fence. My Morning Glories bloomed and the watermelon is basketball size and still growing. The Early Wonder beets did really well as usual and the spinach, oh the spinach, was so delicious and grew all season.I even had enough to share with my neighbor. My heirloom tomatoes are just now turning red and yellow. I have yellow pear, Italian and red cherry tomatoes. I just picked my first bowl full. Carrots are still forming and will be ready by fall.

My Queen for the day. My first Morning Glory bloomed. August 12,2012

This is on of my favorite parts of summer when everything is lush and green. I would love to have a camera to watch if the garden grows at night. I did notice that it was the new moon last night and in the wee hours of the morning I went outside to look up at the stars. I noticed Venus and Jupiter bright in the sky along with other sparkling stars. I heard the roosters were crowing and imagined the deer were crossing the road to get a nice breakfast in the alfalfa fields. Me and my friend saw tracks going in that direction on our walks.

Well, that is all for now.
Thank you for stopping by to visit Little Utah Farm.

If you have time, stop by to say hello and `like` our new page on Facebook called Little Utah Farm.

Until we meet again,

Deborah `MOON`

Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Magical Orange Balloon

"There's a Bright Golden Haze on The Meadow"
Magic can come into our life through sincere appreciation of precious moments, daily necessities we enjoy, natural bonuses like  sunrises and gravity, sounds that take us deeper into the woods, smells that lift our noses over a knowing smile and walks that stir our heart and limbs...

Today I hit the jackpot !

A manifestation of desire actualized! I am so excited and happy to share this with you. How many of you have ever seen a hot air balloon outside your kitchen door? Well, I have. Here where I live they had hot air balloon festivals in September when I first came to live in Utah. I just about wore myself out jumping up and down like a happy kid and taking pictures and riding bikes to catch up with it to see which alfalfa field it would land in. Sadly they quit having the balloons here 2 years ago last September but the memories and photos always brought it back to life. I held a desire in my heart to see those balloons again. I could clearly feel that. It was not yearning or wanting. It was genuine love and appreciation of their beauty ans uniquness that stirred my heart.

Day before yesterday

 I was walking with my new lady friend next door who is by the way just as we dreamed she would be, kind and fun and generous to be with. We came to a part in the road that brought the memory of the hot air balloons to my mind and I began to tell her about it.

MORE appreciation and general happiness

This morning, I saw that the fields at the end of the road were a golden haze against the rising sun and I began to sing that song from Oklahoma. “Oh what a beautiful morning Oh what a beautiful day. I've got a beautiful feeling, Everything's going my way.”

Yep,  sure enough it was definitely going my way because I looked up into the sky and saw a candy corn colored, orange hot air balloon coming over the trees in front of my property. This is ah-mazing ! I quick called my neighbor, Renee to come look. "Waaaa !" we shrieked at the magic orange balloon and then we both slapped a high five in the air.

Goodnes had sent that balloon my way again like “Here you go honey, enjoy”

Me and my GT BMX bike
I asked my husband if he would ride with me to see where the balloon was landing like we did 2 years ago.  Ah.. it was so exhilarating ! We rode like the wind in the fresh morning air like bumble bees chasing the next flower.

We saw the balloon land here in front of The Three Peaks, Iron county Utah

The balloon stood out like a jewel in the rising sun. And I was so inspired to video the moment. Here is the video you can here how excited I am and report the recipe for discovering your heart's desire.

Well, that is all for now. I got another story cookin' on my garden.
Thank you for coming by and visiting Little Utah Farm.
Until next time,
Believe in your dreams!