Monday, November 15, 2021

Spider Migration Over Little Utah Farm

Spider Migration Over 
Little Utah Farm October 29 2021

 Another phenomena happened my way on Little Utah Farm. Of all things a magnificent migration of spiders. I know it sound creepy but it was actually quite beautiful. 

I was outdoors at just the right time to see it. I was walking our cat, Harley McFarley in the garden. I swept my hand through a few webs hanging across the garden gate. I hadn't been through the gate very often since Jack Frost visited. We we walked, Harley and I, onto the gravel yard in front of the barn and noticed a silky strand of web with thick cottony areas floating over the side gate vertically towards me like a ghost. It reached 12 feet high. I watched as it floated by me and across the alfalfa field until it caught on the branch tip of the cottonwood tree on the edge of the property. That was odd.

I continued walking with Harley towards the back pasture and out of the corner of my eye I saw long shiny webs flowing out from the trees and the wires. The sunlight was just right to catch the silky threads. Thoughts of spiders up above me entered my mind and headed for home. I hurried as best I could to the back porch towing a very upset kitty. We reached the porch and before grabbing the door knob I took another look towards the midday sun. It was then I saw an exodus of webs sailing high on the air currents across the sky to the east. I rushed into the house to get my camera.

Husband came home just then. I went out the kitchen door and greeted him under the carport with camera in hand. I pointed to the sky and that was the moment I found the perfect place to video the event. Right under the eves of the house. The sunlight was blocked just enough to help my lens see the fleet of sailing webs traveling east. After shooting the video, I watched a single strand floated above my head with a small spider dangling on the end like a parachute rider coming down to land. The spider made a soft landing on the roof of our carport.


I went out to feed the chickens and ducks in the late afternoon. I swiped my hand through a web that draped across my back door. I did not see any more in the sky. The sun had moved west. There were a few souvenir webs draped across the wires and tree tops.

The phenomena left me feeling bitter sweet. What a blessing to have seen it and then I thought of how full of faith or how in tune with nature the spiders are to leave on such a journey not knowing how it ends, to sense just the right time to ride on the air currents and prepare for take off. To know it is time to leave.

Video description:

Spiders migrating . Conditions on October 29 were just right for the spider's journey. These long strands of silk come from spiders that are migrating. It is called "ballooning or kiting" I have my camera zoomed in 25 power. What you see are long strands of silk 10-25 ft floating east across the sky. Some touch down to gate and carport, trees and plants but most were high as clouds. They kept sweeping across the sky like a parade. I did indeed see some adult and juvenile spiders riding these magic carpets. The insects swarming in the foreground would make a nice snack as the spiders drift by. Here is a video I took of the event.

WATCH ON YOUTUBE Here is the link for my video:


Watch here on this blog Be sure to make it full screen.

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Deborah Moen
of Little Utah Farm

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