Friday, July 7, 2023

When The Thunderstorm Comes


Thunderheads are the tallest clouds on the planet. Little Utah Farm
When The Thunderstorms Come

Summer the monsoon season is here. The clouds rise up over the surrounding mountains and grow into giant clouds that reach thousands of feet into the sky.  Thunderclouds are the tallest clouds on the planet reaching upwards to 75,00 ft. The higher the top the more severe the storm.

I went out and took photographs of the big clouds rising high in the sky. I have the slide show with soft music for you to watch below. 

 We love the monsoon season as it cools us down on a hot days.  Almost everyday these past two weeks we have had rain with lightening and thunder.  Here is a video I put together to share the beauty of the thunderclouds that formed. 

Watch Video
Thunderclouds by Deborah Moen-Little Utah Farm

These clouds are mighty and beautiful. By afternoon they merge into a grand thunderstorm. 

When it rains the ducks are happy. They love the water.
Here is a little clip of them playing and enjoying the rain.


The rain got more intense.  We could hear the thunder pounding like tribal drums across the valley.  Closer and closer it came and the winds began to blow.

We rushed to get the young chicks back into the coop. It took several trips across the big yard to bring in the water and food. The cold rain fell in big drops on my face. Lightening flashed and thunder crashed above me. The rain fell harder. I could barely see for the water running down my hood.  I got this image of a scene from the Wizard of Oz where Dorothy and Auntie Em are frantically getting those baby chicks in a safe place before the storm. 

We had finished getting everything inside the coop where it was dry. The hard rain sounded like bullets on the tin roof and the thunder exploding above us. Paul and I were moving as fast as we could and it was so loud we had to yell to hear each other. Exhilarated, breathless and dripping wet we smiled and laughed. It felt like a scene with Katherine Hepburn and Humphrey Bogart in the movie African Queen.

The thunderstorm continued traveling south. I ran to the back door and watched it go.. It sounded like a giant stomping the ground as it moved on into the distance.

 Paul and I talked about it throughout the evening how fun it was to be in that storm. We hadn't had a rain like that for a long time.

Thank you for visiting Little Utah Farm

Deborah Moen
 of Little Utah Farm

Until next time,

“Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain.”

― Vivian Greene

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